Registration of Activities

Criteria for inclusion of the event in “Paulo Freire – 50 years of Angicos” commemorations’ program

The “Paulo Freire – 50 years of Angicos”’s commission opens the possibility to incorporate in its agenda of celebrations other events and activities self-managed, besides those proposed by them.

In order to subscribe the activities, that may happen in 2013/2014, the proposing organizations must respect the following criteria:

  1. To have as central axis the discussion of Paulo Freire’s thought;
  2. Being events (seminars, conference, roundtable, etc. ) and not courses (it would be dangerous to give the stamp for the courses – não está no texto original);
  3. The event/activity must be nonprofit;
  4. Forward the request along with a copy of the event’s program;
  5. Forward to the Commission shortly after the conclusion of the event, a short report with the information of the activity in order to divulge it;
  6. To clarify that the concession of the stamp does not mean any financial responsibility for the event/activity. The organizers of the event/activity are responsible for searching sponsors.

To insert your activity on the agenda of celebrations, send an email to Moacir Gadotti ( and Thimothy Ireland (


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